Is it time for Fluoride to go?

Fluoride, a common component in drinking water and dental products, is increasingly being examined for its potential neurotoxic effects. Recent studies, including those from the Harvard School of Public Health and the National Toxicology Program, point towards a possible link between fluoride exposure and cognitive impairment in children, making it a matter of grave concern for the global community.

A Closer Look at Fluoride

Fluoride is a negatively charged ion of the fluorine atom. It readily reacts with other elements to form fluoride compounds, with the mineral fluorite (CaF) being its primary commercial source. While fluoride is naturally occurring in groundwater, human exposure to it has significantly increased in modern times through various sources such as fluoridated drinking water, food, dental products, and pharmaceuticals.

Fluoride has been adopted in various forms for the past seventy years for its supposed benefits in strengthening teeth enamel and preventing dental caries. However, current research indicates a darker side to this seemingly beneficial compound.

Understanding Fluoride’s Neurotoxicity: The Harvard Study

Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health and China Medical University, in a groundbreaking meta-analysis, combined 27 studies and found robust indications that fluoride exposure may adversely affect cognitive development in children.

The study published in Environmental Health Perspectives in 2012, analyzed fluoride’s impact on the cognitive development of over 8,000 children. The findings suggested that high fluoride content in water negatively affects cognitive development, resulting in an average loss in IQ equivalent to seven IQ points.

According to the study’s authors, Anna Choi and Philippe Grandjean, fluoride’s impact on the brain’s cognitive development may occur earlier in life, and the brain may not fully compensate for this toxicity, leading to lasting effects.

Unravelling the Mechanisms of Fluoride’s Impact on Human Health

Fluoride’s impact on human health extends far beyond its effect on dental health. Fluoride toxicity can lead to a range of health disturbances, from mild effects like headaches and loss of appetite to severe pathological conditions like dental and skeletal fluorosis, hypothyroidism, sleep disorders, and suspected autism.

Fluoride’s impact on the nervous system is particularly concerning. Research shows that fluoride can activate various Gα and effector proteins, leading to an increased level of second messenger molecules. These molecules, in turn, activate protein kinase A, which phosphorylates a significant number of proteins. As protein phosphorylation is fundamental for nearly all biological processes, fluoride’s interference in this process can be detrimental to all living organisms.

National Toxicology Program’s (NTP) Findings on Fluoride’s Neurotoxicity

In a recent systematic review by the NTP, it was found that 52 of 55 studies reported a decrease in child IQ with increased fluoride exposure. The NTP’s meta-analysis revealed that even a 5-point decrease in a population’s IQ could nearly double the number of people classified as intellectually disabled.

Further, the NTP concluded that fluoride exposure from all sources, not just water, could contribute to cognitive impairment. This is a significant finding as fluoride exposure can vary widely depending on the individual’s lifestyle, dietary habits, and use of dental products.

The Implications of These Findings

The findings from these studies have significant implications for public health policies, particularly those related to the fluoridation of drinking water. The NTP’s report indicates there is no safe dose of fluoride, with their graph showing a steep drop in IQ of about 7 points over a fluoride range from 0.2 to 1.5 mg/L.

Furthermore, it was found that the highest quality studies showing lower IQs in children were done in optimally fluoridated (0.7 mg/L) areas. Many urinary fluoride measurements exceed those that would be expected from consuming water that contains fluoride at 1.5 mg/L, indicating that even the current fluoride levels deemed safe may be harmful.

Time for a Reconsideration of Fluoride Use?

We certainly think so, when you weigh in the potential health consequences, the dangers just tip the scale more than the perks. There are safer, not to mention potentially more effective, ways to keep our teeth strong. Plus, we think it’s absolutely worth every effort to make sure our water stays free from anything as harmful as neurotoxins.